
March 2024 – Health and Housekeeping

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Hello! March is upon us, spring is around the corner, and there are SO MANY things I’m wanting to do. With the weather turning warm and the sun shining longer, I feel energized and excited for all the projects that have made their way on my list. Here’s to hoping that motivation keeps up as long at it can. Let me share with you what is happening in my world this month.

In an effort to recover from extended weeks of holiday eating, hustle-and-bustle convenience, and sheer lack of self control in some cases (mostly mine), my husband and I are beginning a three-month stint of our own modified version of a Whole30 diet. If you are unfamiliar with the Whole30 concept, the idea is to spend thirty days eating only whole foods. No added sugars (cane, honey, or otherwise), no grains, no legumes, no dairy. (If you’re curious, they do have a website where you can find details and resources about it.)

Now, like I said, we are doing our own modified version – we are allowing rice, because it makes food go further and is a still a non-inflammatory option. We are allowing ourselves one cheat meal a week with the stipulations that it must be a meal we eat together, and it can only have one of the categories that is otherwise off-limits. I’m so looking forward to feeling better. The sugar is the biggest hurdle for me (the full candy jars at work are gonna make this real interesting). An addition I’m making to my arsenal of weapons against temptation this time is prayer – I know, should be obvious, right? Well, I’ll be sharing the journey that that has been for me, and I’ll be curious to hear if you have experienced the same thing.

I have some projects around our home that I’m slowly picking away at, mainly organizing and rethinking our spaces to better fit our daily needs and feel less cluttered. I’m excited to show you what I’ve already done and what I’m hoping to do in the future, as well as share some lessons I’ve learned surrounding the concept of homemaking. They’ve been impactful for me, and maybe they’ll resonate with you.

This month, I am working towards getting certified to conceal carry. I’ve been working on getting more comfortable and competent with firearms, and it’s time for the next step. I intend to share what the process has been like and how it’s affected my understanding and feelings towards guns and protection in general.

So, health and house-keeping – both worthy endeavors, but also easily pushed aside for the sake of hustle (and yes, I am putting firearms training under the umbrella of house-keeping – I’d say it fits). Besides these main focuses, my husband and I are making plans for a garden this year, learning how we can make our budget stretch further, and continuing to figure out the whole being married thing, on top of what all is required to live on a daily basis. There is plenty to keep busy with – I look forward to sharing the month’s fruit with you here in a few weeks time.

If you have any encouragements, tips and tricks, and/or learning experiences, please share them! I’d love to see more examples of real people learning how to live life more diligently and fully. Join me on my journey, either in practice or just to see what kind of shenanigans befall me this month, and I’ll talk with you again soon.

In Christian love, Jo.

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