Scripture Writing Plan – Theme: A Sacrifice of Thanksgiving
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Scripture Writing Plan – Theme: A Sacrifice of Thanksgiving

This month’s scripture writing is A Sacrifice of Thanksgiving. Have you ever thought about expressing gratitude as being a sacrifice of thanksgiving? In the Old Testament, the sacrifice of thanksgiving was a physical sacrifice laid on the altar before the Lord (Lev. 7:12-13; Lev. 22:29). Jonah, while in the belly of the fish, prays to…

Scripture Writing Plan – Theme: Scriptures about Parenting
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Scripture Writing Plan – Theme: Scriptures about Parenting

This month’s scripture writing theme is about Parenting Scriptures about Parenting are all through the Bible. As God is our Father, He is our perfect example as a parent. We can learn from the way He dealt with His people in scripture. But there is so much more! Every principle that applies to you, can…

Scripture Writing Plan – Theme: Worship
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Scripture Writing Plan – Theme: Worship

This month’s scripture writing theme is about Worship Scriptures about Worship – are you surprised that there are a LOT to choose from? “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:24). It seems pretty straight forward. But what does it MEAN to “worship”? The Hebrew word most…

Scripture Writing Plan – Theme: Wisdom from Proverbs
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Scripture Writing Plan – Theme: Wisdom from Proverbs

This month’s scripture writing theme is about Wisdom Scriptures about Wisdom from Proverbs – seems pretty obvious, right? After all, Proverbs IS about gaining wisdom (Prov. 1:1-7). What is interesting is how much there is about Wisdom in Proverbs. Not just random wise sayings, though there are those. In some cases there are WHOLE chapters…