Scripture Writing Plan – Health
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Scripture Writing Plan – Health

    This month’s scripture writing theme is about Health  Scriptures about health? Why? You cannot listen to the radio or watch a TV program (or YouTube video) without hearing a commercial for something health related. Every friend on Facebook has some awesome product to help with creating a good health and wellness routine. We wear watches and monitors…

Scripture Writing Plan – Theme: The Gospel
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Scripture Writing Plan – Theme: The Gospel

This month’s scripture writing theme is about The Gospel “The Gospel” can be a pretty broad theme in scripture. So, how are we going to write scriptures that teach the gospel? Jesus came teaching “the gospel of the kingdom” (Mt. 4:23). The book of Mark begins, “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the…

Scripture Writing Plan – Theme: Diligence #3
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Scripture Writing Plan – Theme: Diligence #3

  This month’s scripture writing theme is about Diligence Every year we begin the year by writing scriptures about Diligence. What is diligence? What does it mean to be diligent? defines “diligent” as “constant in effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent in doing anything”. The Hebrew word shanan is defined by Strong’s as “to…